Monday, August 31, 2009

Shiina Ringo - 2009 - Shun

Directed by Kimura Yutaka.

Editing of this video is ok, but not the best part. What is great is the art direction, which invokes a completely adequate mood to match the song's. It also pleases me that the visual innuendo isn't explicit, but gets the message across. Highlight is the ending sequence, where the silent singer doesn't need to do anything else besides being there while the band finishes the job and her music is playing.

Florence + The Machine - 2009 - Drumming Song

Directed by Dawn Shadforth.

This is one of the best videos I saw this year, mostly because the editing job makes me have multiple eyegasms. Also the art direction and choreography are top notch and completely adequate. One of the things I don't like is that some times the images are "louder" than what the song actually requires, which makes them somewhat disconnected. But that's the only aspect I would polish up.